
ASTI-TOP][GANESA入り口][Kipling 年譜作品紹介


Short Story, Novel, and Verse

・・短編作品の初出と、初期作品の有名キャラクターを載せています。 ・・新聞や雑誌名は、2回目以降は略号表記のものがあります。

Plain Tales from the Hills (Calcutta and London, 1888)

すべて’インドもの’ (// は有名キャラクター)

Lispeth (Civil and Military Gazette, 29 Nov. 1886)

Three and--an Extra (CMG, 17 Nov. 1886) //Mrs Hauksbee

Thrown Away

Miss Youghal's Sais
(CMG, 25 Apr. 1887) //Strickland

'Yoked with an Unbeliever' (CMG, 7 Dec. 1886)

False Dawn

The Rescue of Pluffles
(CMG, 19 Nov. 1886) //Mrs Hauksbee, Mrs Reiver

The Cupid's Arrows

The Three Musketeers
(CMG, 11 Mar. 1887) //Mulvaney, Learoyd, Ortheris

His Chance in Life (CMG, 2 Apr. 1887)

Watches of the Night (CMG, 25 Mar. 1887)

The Other Man (CMG, 13 Nov. 1886)

Consequences (CMG, 9 Dec. 188) //Mrs Hauksbee

The Conversion of Aurelian McGoggin (CMG, 28 Apr. 1887)

The Taking of Lungtungpen (CMG, 11 Apr. 1887) //Mulvaney, Ortheris

A Germ-Destroyer (CMG, 17 May 1887)

Kidnapped (CMG, 21 March 1887) //Mrs Hauksbee

The Arrest of Lieutenant Golightly (CMG, 23 Nov. 1886)

In the House of Suddhoo (CMG, 30 Apr. 1886; under the title 'Section 420 I.P.C.') *

His Wedded Wife (CMG, 25 Feb. 1887)

The Broken-Link Handicap (CMG, 6 Apr. 1887) //Mrs Reiver mentioned

Beyond the Pale

In Error (CMG, 24 Jan. 1887) //Mrs Reiver

A Bank Fraud (CMG, 14 Apr. 1887)

Tod's Amendment (CMG, 16 Apr. 1887)

The Daughter of the Regiment (CMG, 11 May 1887) //Mulvaney
[続編に Soldiers Three, 'In the Matter of Private'

In the Pride of his Youth (CMG, 5 May 1887)

Pig (CMG, 3 June 1887)

The Rout of the White Hussars

The Bronckhorst Divorce-Case

Venus Annodomini (CMG, 4 Dec. 1886) //Mrs Hauksbee and Mrs Reiver mentioned

The Bisara of Pooree (CMG, 4 Mar. 1887) //Strickland (?)

A Friend's Friend (CMG, 2 May 1887)

The Gate of the Hundred Sorrows (CMG, 26 Sep. 1884; without "Plain Tales" heading) *

The Madness of Private Ortheris //Ortheris, Mulvaney

The Story of Muhammad Din (CMG, 8 Sep. 1886; without "Plain Tales" heading) *

On the Strength of a Likeness (CMG, 10 Jan. 1887)

Wressley of the Foreign Office (CMG, 20 May 1887)

By Word of Mouth (CMG, 10 Jun. 1887)

To be Filed for Reference


Bitters Neat (CMG, 19 Apr. 1887) 'Miss Youghal's Sais' の次に

Haunted Subalterns (CMG, 27 May 1887) 'The Other Man' の次に

********** 40話の内訳:

29話: CMGで Plain Tales from the Hillsシリーズとして発表された作品。(CMG,日付)の表示のみ
3話:  Civil and Military Gazette に Plain Tales from the Hills のタイトルをつけずに個別に掲載された。[*マーク表示]
8話: 初登場。上のリストでは初出表示なし。

1888年、40話が1冊にまとめられた。Kipling 初めての短編作品集。

のちに全集では2話が追加されて 42話になった。(Outward Bound Edition, Edition de Luxe, Sussex Edition, Burwash Edition)


CMG に掲載された Plain Talesシリーズの作品数は39編を数えるが、そのうち8編はKiplingの作品ではないと考えられている。

Plain Tales from the Hills

作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

Soldiers Three (Allahabad, 1888)

Number 1 of 'The Indian Railway Library'
のちに Soldiers Three, The Story of the Gadsbys, In Black and White (London, 1892)に収められた
’インドもの’7話 (// は有名キャラクター)

The God from the Machine (The Week's News, 7 Jan. 1888) //Mulvaney, Ortheris

Private Learoyd's Story (WN, 14 Jul. 1888) //Learoyd, Mulvaney, Ortheris

The Big Drunk Draf' (WN, 24 Mar. 1888) //Mulvaney

The Solid Muldoon (WN, 2 Jun. 1888) //Mulvaney, Learoyd, Ortheris

With the Main Guard (WN, 4 Aug. 1888) //Mulvaney, Learoyd, Ortheris

In the Matter of a Private (WN, 14 Apr. 1888) //Ortheris
[Plain Tales, 'The Daughter of the Regiment' の続編]

Black Jack //Mulvaney, Learoyd, Ortheris


初版サブタイトル: 'Done into type and edited by Rudyard Kipling'


The Indian Railway Library
駅で販売された1冊1ルピーのペーパーバック。Allahabad の新聞 Pioneer 発行元 A. H. Wheeler & Co., によって出版された。

 作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

The Story of the Gadsbys (Allahabad, 1888)

Number 2 of 'The Indian Railway Library'
のちにSoldiers Three, The Story of the Gadsbys, In Black and White (London, 1892)に収められた

Poor Dear Mamma (The Week's News, 26 May 1888)

The World Without (Civil & Military Gazette, 18 May 1888)

The Tents of Kedar (WN, 18 Aug. 1888)

With Any Amazement (WN, 9 Jun. 1888)

The Garden of Eden (WN, 19 Jun. 1888)


The Valley of the Shadow (WN, 23 Jun. 1888)

The Swelling of Jordan (WN, 30 Jun 1888)

L'Envoi (poem)


初版サブタイトル: A Tale without a Plot

Captain Gadsby が Minnie と婚約する 'Poor Dear Mama' から、彼が妻子のことを考え退役してイギリスに帰る決心をする 'The Swelling of Jordan' まで、それぞれが前の話の内容に関連するリレーの形になっており、ト書きをそなえた劇のセリフの形で書かれている。

The Indian Railway Library
駅で販売された1冊1ルピーのペーパーバック。Allahabad で新聞 Pioneer を発行していた A. H. Wheeler & Co., によって出版された。

作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

In Black and White (Allahabad, 1888)

Number 3 of 'The Indian Railway Library'
のちにSoldiers Three, The Story of the Gadsbys, In Black and White (London, 1892)に収められた

Dray Wara Yow De (The Week's News, 28 Apr. 1888)

The Judgment of Dungara (WN, 28 Jul. 1888)

At Howli Thana (WN, 28 Jul. 1888)

Gemini (WN, 14 Jan. 1888)

At Twenty-two (WN, 18 Feb. 1888)

In Flood Time (WN, 11 Aug. 1888)

The Sending of Dana Da (WN, 11 Feb. 1888)

On the City Wall


The Indian Railway Library
駅で販売された1冊1ルピーのペーパーバック。Allahabad で新聞 Pioneer を発行していた A. H. Wheeler & Co., によって出版された。

作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

Under the Deodars (Allahabad, 1888)

Number 4 of 'The Indian Railway Library'
のちにWee Willie Winkie, Under the Deodars, the Phantom 'Rickshaw, and Other Stories (1895)に収められた
’インドもの’6話 (// は有名キャラクター)

The Education of Otis Yeere (The Week's News, 10 and 17 Mar. 1888) //Mrs Hauksbee

At the Pit's Mouth

A Wayside Comedy (WN, 21 Jan.1888)

The Hill of Illusion (Civil & Military Gazette, 28 Sep. 1887; WN, 21 Apr. 1888)

A Second-Rate Woman (WN, 8 Sep. 1888) //Mrs Hauksbee

Only a Subaltern (WN, 25 Aug. 1888)


The Indian Railway Library
駅で販売された1冊1ルピーのペーパーバック。Allahabad で新聞 Pioneer を発行していた A. H. Wheeler & Co., によって出版された。

作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

The Phantom 'Rickshaw (Allahabad, 1888)

Number 5 of 'The Indian Railway Library'
のちにWee Willie Winkie, Under the Deodars, the Phantom 'Rickshaw, and Other Stories (1895)に収められた

The Phantom 'Rickshaw (Quartette, 1885)
The Phantom 'Rickshaw に収録される際にかなり書き改められた

My Own True Ghost Story (The Week's News, 25 Feb. 1888)

The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes (Quartette, 1885)

The Man Who Would Be King


The Indian Railway Library
駅で販売された1冊1ルピーのペーパーバック。Allahabad で新聞 Pioneer を発行していた A. H. Wheeler & Co., によって出版された。

Quartette: CMG のクリスマス号。Kipling のほか、彼の両親と妹が執筆した。


'My Own True Ghost Story' をのぞく3編は Kipling の作品の中でも傑作に数えられる。3編とも翻訳が出ている。

作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

Wee Willie Winkie (Allahabad, 1888)

Number 6 of 'The Indian Railway Library'
のちにWee Willie Winkie, Under the Deodars, the Phantom 'Rickshaw, and Other Stories (1895)に収められた

Wee Willie Winkie (The Week's News, 28 Jan. 1888)

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep (reprinted in the Christmas supplement of WN, 21 Dec. 1888)

His Majesty the King (WN, 5 May 1888)

The Drums of the Fore and Aft


The Indian Railway Library
駅で販売された1冊1ルピーのペーパーバック。Allahabad で新聞 Pioneer を発行していた A. H. Wheeler & Co., によって出版された。

どれも子供または少年もの。最年長が 14 歳の鼓手二人('The Drums of the Fore and Aft' )。
'Baa, Baa, Black Sheep' は自伝的要素が強い。

作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

Life's Handicap --Being Stories of Mine Own People (London and New York, 1891)

短編27、詩 1
Mine Own People (1891)に入っていた作品(#マーク)を含む

(// は有名キャラクター)

The Incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney (#) (Macmillan's Magazine, Dec. 1889) //Mulvaney, Learoyd, Ortheris

The Courting of Dinah Shadd (#) (MM and Harper's Weekly, Mar. 1890) //Mulvaney

On Greenhow Hill (#) (HW, 23 Aug. 1890; MM, Sep. 1890) //Learoyd, Orheris, Mulvaney

The Man Who Was (#) (MM, Apr. 1890; HW, 15 Apr. 1890)

The Head of the District (MM, Jan. 1890)

Without Benefit of Clergy (#) (MM, Jun. 1890; HW, 7-14 Jun. 1890)

At the End of the Passage (#) (Boston Herald, 20 Jul. 1890)

The Mutiny of the Mavericks (#)

The Mark of the Beast (Pioneer, 12 and 14 Jul. 1890) //Strickland

The Return of Imray (#) //Strickland

Namgay Doola (#)

The Lang Men o'Larut (Civil and Military Gazette, 29 May 1889)

Bertran and Bimi (#)

Reingelder and the German Flag (CMG, 16 Apr. 1889)

The Wandering Jew (CMG, 4 Apr. 1889)

Through the Fire (CMG, 28 May 1888)

The Finances of the Gods

The Amir's Homily

Jews in Shushan (CMG, 4 Oct. 1887)

The Limitations of Pambe Serang (St James's Gazette, 7 Dec. 1889)

Little Tobrah (CMG, 17 Jul. 1888)

Moti Guj -- Mutineer (#)

Bubbling Well Road (CMG, 18 Jan.1888)

'The City of Dreadful Night' (CMG, 10 Sep. 1885)

Georgie Porgie (The Week's News, 3 Nov. 1888)

Naboth (CMG, 26 Aug. 1886)

The Dream of Duncan Parrenness (CMG, 25 Dec. 1884)

L'Envoi (poem)

******** 27話の内訳

14話: 雑誌等に掲載
6話: 雑誌に掲載後、短編集 Mine Own People (New York, 1891) に収められた作品、(#) と初出表示。
5話: 雑誌掲載なしで Mine Own People に初登場した作品。 (#) 表示のみ。
2話: 初登場。上のリストでは初出の表記なし。


The Courting of Dinah Shadd and Other Stories (New York, 1890)

New York の出版社 Harper Brothers は、同社の雑誌 Harper's Weekly に掲載された Kipling の作品5編を、短編集 The Courting of Dinah Shadd として無断で発行した。これに加えて、他社の雑誌に発表された作品 ('The Incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney') も含まれていた。Harper Brothers 社は、 Kipling によれば、『慰謝料』として 10ポンド渡そうとした。そもそも前年に彼が出版の申し出をしたときには、Harper Brothers は相手にしなかったのである。

当時のアメリカにおける著作権法の不備にからんで、Harper Brothers を擁護する Thomas Hardy ら作家3人の意見が雑誌 Athenaeum に掲載されると、彼は同誌に風刺詩を発表して反撃した。

しかし最終的には、彼は『海賊版』に対抗して正規版を出版するしかなかった。それが Mine Own People (1891) で、友人 Henry James がイントロダクションを書いている。

すでにアメリカでは Kipling 作品の無断出版が行われていたが、この一件で彼は出版社に対してさらに強い不信の念を抱くこととなった。

The Courting of Dinah Shadd and Other Stories 収録作品:
'The Incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney'
'The Courting of Dinah Shadd'
'On Greenhow Hill'
'Without Benefit of Clergy'
'A Conference of the Powers'
'The Record of Badalia Herodsfoot'

サイト内の関係ページ: Life's Handicap

作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

Many Inventions (London and New York, 1893)

(// は有名キャラクター)

To the True Romance (poem)

The Disturber of Traffic (Atlantic Monthly, Sep. 1891) [ジャワ海峡]

A Conference of the Powers (Pioneer, 23-4 May 1890; Harper's Weekly, 31 May 1890) [London で語られるビルマでの体験談]

My Lord the Elephant (Civil and Military Gazette, 27 and 28 Dec. 1892; Macmillan's Magazine, Jan. 1893) //Mulvaney [インド]

One View of the Question (Fortnightly Review, Feb. 1890) [インド人がイギリスで見たイギリス人]

'The Finest Story in the World' (Contemporary Review, Jul. 1891) [イギリス]

His Private Honour (MM, Oct. 1891) //Ortheris [インド]

A Matter of Fact (a pamphlet, 1892) [南アからイギリスへの航海で]

The Lost Legion (Strand Magazine, May 1892) [インド]

In the Rukh [インド: Jungle Books, Mowgli のその後の話。先頭に詩 'The Only Son']

'Brugglesmith' (HW, Oct. 1891) [イギリス]

'Love-o'-Women' //Mulvaney [インド]

The Record of Badalia Herodsfoot (HW, 18 and 22 Nov. 1890) [イギリス]

Judson and the Empire [南アフリカ]

The Children of the Zodiac (HW, Dec. 1891) [アレゴリーファンタジー]

Envoy (poem; retitled 'Anchor Song')

******** 14 話の内訳

11話: 雑誌に掲載
3話: 初登場、上のリストでは初出の表記なし

作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

The Jungle Book (London and New York, 1894)


Mowgli's Brothers (St. Nicholas Magazine, Jan. 1894)

* Hunting-Song of the Seeonee Pack

Kaa's Hunting (Today, 31 Mar. and 7 Apr. 1894; McClure's Magazine, Jun. 1894: also printed in USA under the title 'Mowgli among the Monkeys')

* Road-Song of the Bandar-Log

'Tiger! Tiger!' (St. Nicholas Magazine, Feb. 1894)

* Mowgli's Song

The White Seal (National Review, Aug. 1893)

* Lukannon

'Rikki-Tikki-Tavi' (The Pall Mall Magazine, Nov. 1893; SNM, Nov. 1893)

* Darzee's Chaunt

Toomai of the Elephants (SNM, Dec. 1893)
1892年に着手、'In the Rukh' をのぞいて、シリーズ最初に書かれたと考えられている。

* Shiv and the Grasshopper

Her Majesty's Servants (Harper's Weekly, 3 Mar. 1894; PMM, Mar. 1894)

* Parade-Song of the Camp-Animals


St. Nicholas Magazine:

Vermont 時代の作品。この頃、作家としての名声が上がり、収入も増した。

'In the Rukh':
Mowgli のその後の話で、最終話になるが、発表順はいちばん早い。 Many Inventions (1893) に掲載。

The Jungle Book だが、ジャングルの話だけではない。

The Second Jungle Book と合わせて、The Jungle Books として出版されることが多い。

作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

The Second Jungle Book (London and New York, 1895)


How Fear Came (The Pall Mall Budget, 7 and 14 Jun. 1894; The Pall Mall Gazette, 14 and 15 Jun. 1894 and The New York World, 10 Jun. 1894, as 'A Strange Tale of the Jungle'

* The Law of the Jungle

The Miracle of Purun Bhagat (NYW, 14 Oct. 1894; PMG and PMB, 18 Oct. 1894. Original title: A 'Miracle of the Present Day')

* A Song of Kabir

Letting in the Jungle (PMG, 12 and 13 Dec. 1894; PMB, 13 Dec. 1894; McClure's Magazine, Jan. 1895)

* Mowgli's Song Against People

The Undertakers (PMB, 8 and 15 Nov. 1894; NYW, 8, 9, 10 and 12 Nov. 1894; PMG, 14 and 15 Nov. 1894)

* A Ripple Song

The King's Ankus (St. Nicholas Magazine, Mar. 1895)

* The Song of the Little Hunter

Quiquern (PMG, 24 and 25 Oct. 1895; MCM, Nov. 1895)

* 'Angutivaun Taina'

Red Dog (PMG, 29 and 30 Jul 1895; MCM, Aug. 1895. Original title: 'Good Hunting')

* Chil's Song

The Spring Running (PMG, 25 Sep. 1895; Cosmopolitan Magazine, Oct. 1895. Original title: 'Mowgli Leaves the Jungle for Ever')

* The Outsong


イラストは John Lockwood Kipling (父親)による
Vermont 時代の作品

作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

The Day's Work (London and New York, 1898)

The Bridge-Builders (Illustrated Lonon News, Christmas Number, 1893) [インド、ファンタジー]

A Walking Delegate (Century Magazine, Dec. 1894) [アメリカ(ヴァーモント、ファンタジー]

The Ship That Found Herself (The Idler, Dec. 1895; McClure's Magazine, Mar. 1896) [マシンものファンタジー]

The Tomb of His Ancestors (Pearson's Magazine, Dec. 1897; MCM, Dec. 1897) [インド]

The Devil and the Deep Sea (The Graphic, Christmas Number, 1895) [sea story]

William the Conqueror (The Gentlewoman, Dec. 1895 and Jan. 1896 (simultaneously in The Ladies' Home Journal) [インド、2部作]

.007 (Sribner's Magazine, Aug. 1897) [マシンものファンタジー]

The Maltese Cat (Pall Mall Gazette, 29 and 27 Jun. 1895) [動物ファンタジー]

'Bread Upon the Waters' (The Graphic, Christmas Number, 1896; MCM, Dec. 1896) [海のストーリー]
同じタイトルで別の作品あり: Civil & Military Gazette, 14 Mar. 1888; collected in The Smith Administration (1891)

An Error in the Fourth Dimension (Cosmopolitan Magazine, Dec. 1894) [アメリカ人を風刺]

My Sunday at Home (The Idler, Apr. 1895; MCM, Jun. 1895) [お笑い]

The Brushwood Boy (Century Magazine, Dec. 1895 (with map by Kipling)) [ファンタジー]
Separate editions: 1899 (illustrated by O. Lowell); 1907 (illustrated by F. H. Townsend)


多くが Vermont 時代 (1892-1896) に書かれた。
ファンタジー系の作品が多く、また Kipling のマシンに対する興味が見られるのも特徴となっている。

作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

Stalky & Co. (London and New York, 1899)


'In Ambush' (McClure's Magazine, Aug. 1898)

Slaves of the Lamp (Part I) (Cosmopolis, Apr. 1897)

An Unsavoury Interlude (The Windsosr Magazine and MCM, Jan. 1899)

The Impressionists (WM and MCM, Feb. 1899)

The Moral Reformers (WM and MCM, Mar. 1899)

A Little Prep (WM and MCM, Apr. 1899)

The Flag of Their Country (MCM, May 1899)

The Last Term (WM, May 1899)

Slaves of the Lamp (Part II) (Cosmopolis, May 1897)



'Stalky' (WM and MCM, Dec. 1898: collected in Land and Sea Tales for Boys and Girls, 1823)

* The Hour of the Angel

'In Ambush'

Slaves of the Lamp (Part I)

An Unsavoury Interlude

The Impressionists

The Moral Reformers

* To the Companions

The United Idolaters (Nash's Magazine, MacLean's Magazine and Hearst's International Magazine, Jun. 1924: collected in Debits and Credits, 1926)

* The Centaurs

Regulus (NM, Pall Mall, and Metropolitan Magazine, Apr. 1917: collected in A Diversity of Creatures, 1917)

* A Translation

A Little Prep

The Flag of Their Country

* The Birthright

The Propagation of Knowledge (Strand Magazine, McCall's Magazine, Jan. 1926: collected in Debits and Credits, 1926)

The Satisfaction of a Gentleman (The London Magazine and McCall's Magazine, Sep. 1929)

The Last Term

Slaves of the Lamp (Part II)

******** 14 話の内訳

9話: Stalky & Co. (1899) にまとめられた作品(
5話: その後書かれた作品


Kipling の母校 United Services College をモデルとする学校もの。Kipling 自身は中心人物 Beetle として登場している。

Stalky は 'A Deal in Cotton' (Actoins and Reactions) にも登場する。

作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

Just So Stories (London and New York, 1902)


How the Whale got his Throat (St. Nicholas Magazine, Dec. 1897)

How the Camel got his Hump (SNM, Jan. 1898)

How the Rhinoceros got his Skin (SNM, Feb. 1898)

How the Leopard got his Spots (Pearson's Magazine, Apr. 1901)

The Elephant's Child (Ladies' Home Journal, Apr. 1900)

The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo (LHJ, Jun. 1900)

The Beginning of the Armadilloes (LHJ, May 1900)

How the First Letter was Written (LHJ, Dec. 1901)

How the Alphabet was Made

The Crab that Played with the Sea (PM, Aug. 1902)
the original title: The Crab that Played with the Tides

The Cat that Walked by Himself (LHJ, Jul. 1902)

The Butterfly that Stamped (LHJ, Oct. 1902)

How the Alphabet was Made のみ雑誌への掲載なし。

The Tabu Tale : 全集 Scribner's Collected Edition では Just So Stories に含まれたが、Sussex Edition では Land and Sea Tales に含まれた。

Ham and Porcupine : 'A Just So Story' のサブタイトルつきで The Princess Elizabeth Gift Book (1935) に掲載されたが、コレクションに入っていない。


St. Nicholas Magazine:

一家が冬を過ごした南アで書かれた。Kipling は子供たちに読み聞かせたという。

各ストーリーの最後に詩が添えられている。Kipling 自身による白黒イラストは、それぞれ絵の説明つき。

作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

Traffics and Discoveries (London and New York, 1904)

(// は有名キャラクター)

* From the Masjid-al-Aqsa of Sayyid Ahmed (Wahabi)

The Captive (Collier's Weekly, 6 Dec. 1902) [ボーア戦争]

* Poseidon's Law

The Bonds of Discipline (Windsor Magazine and CW, Aug. 1903) //Pyecroft

* The Runners

A Sahibs' War (WM, Dec. 1901; CW, Dec. 1901) [ボーア戦争]

* The Wet Litany

'Their Lawful Occasions' (Part I and Part II) (CW, 3 and 10 Oct. 1903) //Pyecroft

* The King's Task

The Comprehension of Private Copper (Everybody's Magazine and The Strand, Oct. 1902) [ボーア戦争]

* The Necessitarian

Steam Tactics (WM, Dec. 1902; Saturday Evening Post, Dec. 1902) //Pyecroft

* Kaspar's Song in 'Varda'

'Wireless' (Scribner's Magazine, Aug. 1902)

* Song of the Old Guard

The Army of a Dream (Part I and Part II) (Morning Post, 15-18 Jun. 1904)

* The Return of the Children

'They' (SM, Aug. 1904)

* From Lyden's 'Irenius'

Mrs Bathurst (WM and Metropolitan Magazine, Mar. 1904) //Pyecroft

* 'Our Fathers Also'

Below the Mill Dam (Monthly Review, Sep. 1902) [動物寓話]


後期 Kipling の始まりとも評される。 'Mrs Bathurst' は『わかりにくい』後期作品の第1号。
'Steam Tactics' 'They' には、この頃から強くなった Kipling の自動車への関心が現れている。


'Mrs Bathurst'、'They'、'Wireless' の3作品がポピュラー。


Starlight: December 2003 ('The Return of the Children' と、'They' のあらすじ) 
Starlight: August 2005 ('Kaspar's Song in "Varda"')


作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

Puck of Pllk's Hill (London, 1906; New York, 1906 (an edition with illustration))

Strand Magazine, Jan. - Oct. 1906; simultaneously Ladies' Home Journal (4) and McClure's Magazine (6)

* Puck's Song

Weland's Sword [異教時代の終わり]

* A Tree Song

Young Men at the Manor [Sir Richard (ノルマンの時代)]

* Sir Richard's Song

The Knights of the Joyous Venture [Sir Richard つづき]

* Harp Song of the Dane Women

* Thorkild's Song

Old Men at Pevensey [Sir Richard つづき]

* The Runes on Weland's Sword

A Centurion of the Thirtieth
[ローマ軍百人隊長 Parnesius (ローマ支配下のイギリス)]

* A British-Roman Song

On the Great Wall
[Parnesius つづき]

* A Song to Mithras

The Winged Hats
[Parnesius つづき (アングロ・サクソンの侵入)]

* A Pict Song

Hal o' the Draft
[装飾工芸家 Hal (ルネサンス期?)]

* A Smuggler's Song

'Dymchurch Flit'
[Puck が変身した Tom (メリー・イングランドの終わり)]

* The Bee Boy's Song

* Three-Part Song

The Treasure and the Law [ユダヤ人 Kadmiel (ジョン王とマグナ・カルタ)]

* Song of the Fifth River

* The Children's Song


Pook's Hill のモデルは、サセックスにあった住まい Bateman's の窓から見えた Peach Hill。Puck と出会いイングランドの古い時代の物語を聞く2人の子供 Dan と Una は、Kipling の子供 John (10才) と Elsie (9才)。

Puck が昔の人物を呼びだし、彼らが体験談を語る、という形式。

Doomsday Book やローマ帝国に関する歴史書、地元サセックス州の公文書館や図書館の資料が参考にされている。

Kipling の子供たちが喜んで読んだ E. Nesbit の Phoenix and the Carpet (1904) の影響が見られる。


作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

Actions and Reactions (London and New York, 1909)

8話、それぞれに詩(*マーク)が添えられている (// は有名キャラクター)

An Habitation Enforced (Century Magazine, Aug. 1905) [癒し]

* The Recall

Garm--a Hostage
(Saturday Evening Post, 23 Dec. 1899) [犬] //Ortheris

* The Power of the Dog

The Mother Hive (Collier's Weekly, 28 Nov. 1908) [政治的寓話]
magazine version: 'Adventures of Melissa'

* The Bees and the Flies

With the Night Mail
(McClure's Magazine, Nov. 1905) [SF]

* The Four Angels

A Deal in Cotton
(CW, 14 Dec. 1907) [アフリカにおける奴隷貿易] //Stalky, Strickland

* The New Knighthood

The Puzzler
(Norh American, 15 Jan. 1906; Tribune, 15-16 Jan. 1906) [お笑い]

* The Puzzler

Little Foxes
(CW, 27 Mar. 1909) [風刺]

* Gallio's Song

The House Surgeon
(Harper's Magazine, Sep. and Oct. 1909) [癒し]

* The Rabbi's Song


後期の Kipling に見られる『癒し』のテーマが現れる。

サイト内の関係ページ: Starlight: February 2004 ('The Power of the Dog')


作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

Rewards and Fairies (London and New York, 1910)


(* A Charm)


Cold Iron

* Cold Iron


* The Two Cousins

* The Looking-Glass

The Wrong Thing

* A Truthful Song

* King Henry VII and the Shipwrights

Marklake Witches

* The Way Through the Woods

* Brookland Road

The Knife and the Naked Chalk

* The Run of the Downs

* Song of the Men's Side

Brother Square-Toes

* Philadelphia

* If--

'A Priest in Spite of Himself'

* A St. Helena Lullaby

* 'Poor Honest Men'

The Conversion of St. Wilfrid

* Eddie's Service

* Song of the Red War-Boat

A Doctor of Medicine

* An Astrologer's Song

* 'Our Fathers of Old'

Simple Simon

* The Thousandth Man

* Frankie's Trade

The Tree of Justice

* The Ballad of Minepit Shaw

* A Carol


Puck of Pook's Hill の続編。 'Marklake Witches' 以外は、1909 - 1910年にいくつかの雑誌に掲載された。

Dan と Una のモデルである Kipling の子供たち John (14) と Elsie (13) のために書かれた。子供の成長に合わせて Puck of Pook's Hill よりもレベルが上がっている。

作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

A Diversity of Creatures (London and New York, 1917)

14 stories and 14 poems (marked with *) (// は有名キャラクター)

As Easy as A.B.C. (Family Magazine, Feb.-Mar. 1912; London Magazine, Mar.-Apr. 1912) [SF]

* MacDonough's Song

Friendly Brook
(Metropolitan Magazine, Mar. 1914; Windsor Magazine, Dec. 1914) [田舎の世界]

* The Land

In the Same Boat
(Harper's Magazine, Dec. 1911) [癒し]

* 'Helen All Alone'

The Honours of War
(Family Magazine, May 1911; Windsosr Magazine, Aug. 1911) [名誉あるリベンジ] // Stalky

* The Children

The Dog Hervey
(Century Magazine, Apr. 1914; Nash's & Pall Mall Magazine, May 1914) [癒し]

* The Comforters

The Village that Voted the Earth was Flat

* The Press

In the Presence
(Everybody's, Mar. 1912; Pearson's Magazine, Mar. 1912) [グルカ兵]

* Jobson's Amen

(Metropolitan Magazine, Apr. 1917; Nash's Magazine Apr. 1917) [学校もの]
Collected in The Complete Stalky & Co. (1929)

* A Translation

The Edge of the Evening
(Metropolitan Magazine, Dec. 1913; Pall Mall Magazine, Dec. 1913) [戦争]

* Rebirth

The Horse Marines
(Pearson's Magazine, Oct. 1910) //Pyecroft [海軍]

* The Legend of Mirth

'My Son's Wife'

* The Floods

* The Fabulists

The Vortex
(Scribner's Magazine, Aug. 1914) [お笑い]

* The Song of Seven Cities

'Swept and Garnished'
(Century Magazine, Jan. 1915; Nash's Magazine, Jan. 1915) [戦争、ドイツ人女性]

Mary Postgate (Century Magazine, Sep. 1915; Nash's Magazine, Sep. 1915) [戦争、イギリス人女性]

* The Beginnings


第1次世界大戦中に出版されたが、執筆は 'Mary Postgate' 'Swept and Garnished' を除いて、戦争勃発前。

'The Dog Hervey' は難解作品の代表格。
'Mary Postgate' は有名作の一つに数えられる。'Swept and Garnished' とともに、民間人の目で見た戦争を描く。また、この2作品は、それまでにない女性(若くない)のしっかりとした描写が評価されている。

作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

Debits and Credits (London and New York, 1926)

14 stories and 21 poems (marked with *)

The Enemies to Each Other (Under the title 'A New Version of What Happened in the Garden of Eden': MacLean's Magazine, 15 Jul. 1924; Hearst's International Magazine, Aug. 1924. And under the title 'Adam and Eve: the Enemies of Each Other': Good Housekeeping, Aug. 1924) [新アダムとイブ]

* The Changelings

Sea Constables: A Tale of '15
(Metropolitan Magazine, Sep. 1915; Nash's & Pall Mall Magazine, Oct. 1915) [戦争と戦後、4人の海軍将校]

* The Vineyard

* 'Banquet Night'

'In the Interests of the Brethern'
(The Story-Teller Magazine and Metropolitan Magazine, Dec. 1918) [フリーメーソン]

* To the Companions (Horace, Ode 17, Bk V)

The United Idolaters (Nash's Magazine, MacLean's Magazine and Hearst's International Magazine, Jun. 1924) [学校もの]
Collected in The Complete Stalky & Co. (1926)

* The Centaurs

* 'Late Came the God'

The Wish House
(Maclean's Magazine, 15 Oct. 1924; Hearst's International Magazine, Nov. 1924; Nash's & Pall Mall Magazine, Dec. 1924) [超自然的ストーリー]

* Rahere

* The Survival (Horace, Ode 22, Bk V)

The Janeites (The Story-Teller Magazine, May 1924; Hearst's International Magazine, May 1924) [Freemasonry, allusions to Jane Austen's novels, war and its aftermath]

* Jane's Marriage

* The Portent (Horace, Ode 20, Bk V)

The Prophet and the Country (Hearst's International Magazine, Oct. 1924; Nash's & Pall Mall Magazine, Nov. 1924) [アメリカ人風刺、コミカル]

* Gow's Watch: Act IV Sc. 4

The Bull that Thought (MacLean's Magazine, 15 Nov. 1924; Cosmopolitan, Dec. 1924; Nash's & Pall Mall Magazine, Jan. 1925) [アレゴリー]

* Alnaschar and the Oxen

* Gipsy Vans

A Madonna of the Trenches
(MacLean's Magazine, 15 Aug. 1924; Hearst's International Magazine, Sep. 1924; Nash's & Pall Mall Magazine, Sep. 1924) [戦争と戦後、フリーメーソン]

* Gow's Watch: Act V Sc. 3

* The Birthright

The Propagation of Knowledge (Strand Magazine, McCall's Magazine, Jan. 1926) [学校もの]
Collected in The Complete Stalky & Co. (1929)

* A Legend of Truth

A Friend of the Family
(MacLean's Magazine, 15 Jun. 1924; Hearst's International, Jul. 1924; The Storyteller, Aug. 1924) [戦争と戦後、フリーメーソン]

* We and They

On the Gate: A Tale of '16 (Under the title 'The Gate': McCall's Magazine, Jun. 1926) [ファンタジー]

* The Supports

* Untimely

The Eye of Allah (McCall's Magazine, Sep. 1925; Strand Magazine, Sep. 1925) [13世紀の僧院、アレゴリー]

* The Last Ode: Nov. 27, B.C. 8 (Horace, Ode 31, Bk V)

The Gardener (McCall's Magazine, apr. 1926; Strand Magazine, May 1926) [戦争と戦後、イギリス人女性]

* The Burden


A Diversity of Creatures から9年ぶりの短編集。戦争とその後遺症を描く作品が目立つ。

'The Janeites' 'In the Interests of the Brethren'、'A Madonna of the Trenches'、 'A Friend of the Family'。(Kipling は1886年に Lahore のロッジに入会している。)

'The Wish House' 'The Gardener' には年輩の女性が印象的に描かれている。

'The Wish House'、 'A Madonna of the Trenches'、'The Eye of Allah'、 'The Gardener'

作品分類へShort Story, Novel, and Verse 

Limits and Renewals (London and New York, 1932)

14 stories and 19 poems (marked with *)


Dayspring Mishandled (McCall's Magazine, Mar. 1928; Strand Magazine, Jul. 1928)

The Woman in His Life (McCall's Magazine, Sep. 1928; London Magazine, Christmas Number 1928)

The Tie

The Church that was at Antioch (London Magazine, Aug. 1929)

Aunt Ellen

Fairy-Kist (MacLean's Magazine, Sep. 1927; Strand Magazine, Feb. 1928)

A Naval Mutiny (Story-Teller, Dec. 1931)

The Debt (Liberty, April 1930, and Story-Teller, Jun. 1930)

The Manner of Men (London Magazine, Sep. 1930)

* At HIs Execution

Unprofessional (Story-Teller, Oct. 1930)

* The Threshold

* Neighbours

Beauty Spots (Strand Magazine, Jan. 1932)

* The Expert

* The Cure

The Miracle of Saint Jubanus (Story-Teller, Dec. 1930)

* Song of Seventy Horses

* Hymn to Physical Pain

The Tender Achilles (London Magazine, Dec. 1929)

* The Penalty

Uncovenanted Mercies

* Azrael's Count

******** 14 話の内訳

11話: 雑誌に掲載
3話: 初登場、上のリストでは初出の表記なし



The Complete Stalky & Co. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999; Oxford World's Classics)
The Day's Work (London: Penguin Books, 1990; Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics)
Debits and Credits (Lodon: Penguin Books, 1987; Penguin Classics)
A Diversity of Creatures (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1987; Penguin Classics)
The Jungle Books (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992; Oxford World's Classics)
Life's Handicap (London: Penguin Books, 1987; Penguin Classics)
Limits and Renewals (London: Penguin Books, 1994; Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics)
Plain Tales from the Hills (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987; Oxford Words's Classics)
Puck of Pook's Hill (London: Penguin Books, 1987; Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics)

Norman Page. Kipling Companion (London: Macmillan, 1984).
Charles Carrington. Rudyard Kipling: His Life and Work (London: Macmillan, 1955; Penguin Books, 1986)

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