Asti's GANESA Kipling: 年譜/書誌/作品紹介 (キプリング、キップリング/ラディアード、ラディヤード、ラドヤード) |
MIRAGE 英文学: 毎月1つ、19世紀を中心に英詩の紹介 その他: 読み物(ファンタジー、エッセイ) |
A Smuggler's Song If you wake at midnight, and hear a horse's feet, Don't go drawing back the blind, or looking in the street. Them that ask no questions isn't told a lie. Watch the wall, my darling, while the Gentlemen go by! Five and twenty ponies, Trotting through the dark―― Brandy for the Parson, 'Baccy for the Clerk; Laces for a lady, letters for a spy, And watch the wall, my darling, while the Gentlemen go by! (From 'A Smuggler's Song', Puck of Pook's Hill, 1906) |
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/ MIRAGE EZ-Mikuji
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